
An Interesting (And Sexy) Trend From Our Latest Survey

One of our missions at Good in Bed is to try and change the statistic that CNN reported, indicating over 40 million Americans are stuck in a sex rut and more than half are dissatisfied with their sex lives. This grim statistic is motivation to ensure couples and individuals alike are getting as much accurate sex-positive information as possible for them to use to improve their sex lives. However, as sex researchers, educators, and therapists, we aren't always sure people are putting sex at the forefront, and find that it often (unfortunately) sees the bottom of the to-do list. I was left very hopeful when analyzing the data from our latest survey, the What Would You Do? Survey, because I was struck by the overwhelmingly positive response to a partner's request for sexual adventure and the sexually unknown.

onlinesurvey.jpgTo conduct this survey, I collaborated with colleagues from Good in Bed in partnership with Pure Romance, Men's Health, and Women's Health and we collected data from over 4,800 men and women on a variety of "what if's" regarding sex and relationships. When I was analyzing this data, I quickly began to notice a theme in the results; both men and women were really willing to go the extra mile for their sex lives to flourish.

Here are just a few examples demonstrating this trend I observed in response to the survey (note: participants could choose more than one response option, so not all numbers will add up to 100%):

What Would You Do If...

The first thing I thought when I was analyzing this data was how uplifting it is to know that people are really willing to do things, that may not be their first choice, just to satisfy their partner. It gave me reassurance that sex is important. And it made me think more critically about how couples negotiate these situations.

These findings should be taken in the context of the bias that is inherent in many sex surveys. Sure, this wasn't a representative survey, but one of our three main sources of recruitment was from Men's Health and Women's Health readership, perhaps a more health-conscious bunch than the general population, but not necessarily a more sexual or sexually-liberal bunch. And our demographic characteristics were fairly wide-spread. So I think this is relevant to more than the sexually adventurous.

Next time you begin to feel that sex is doomed for long-term relationships, think about these hopeful findings, that people are actually pretty open to going out of their way for their partner's sexual satisfaction.

A version of this blog post was originally posted on Psychology Today by Dr. Kristen Mark.

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